As the cold has returned, working from home is a blessing in disguise! Nothing is more fun than having the perfect excuse to buy high-tech gadgets you don’t *actually* need for the occasion. So slip into your warmest slippers, and keep your wish list handy, because armed with these tips, you’ll know exactly how to transform your home office into a productive hub to boost your days!


After spending all day warming your behind on your favorite office chair, your pedometer quickly becomes an embarrassment. Get those legs moving and set up your laptop on your ironing board (because honestly, do you even use it for ironing anyway? 😏). Of course, you can also go all out and use your year-end bonus for a real electric raised desk, but why bother when you can keep it low budget. You have a TADAAM subscription for a reason, right? Did you find the right position for your ironing board but don’t know what to do with your legs? Then while you’re standing up, why not use them to get to your 10K steps on a flat treadmill underneath your new desk? You’ll have had enough exercise in the evening to plop down on your couch for a cozy sitcom night.




The real office professionals, the Smooz approved clickers, those are the TADAAM gamers. You’ve made it in life if you managed to find the ideal gaming setup: an extra curved computer screen, an office chair that costs more than a kidney and gadgets you didn’t even know existed. Who says that can’t be your life? Every month TADAAM, that’s saving every month with the perfect internet subscription and then there’s still room in your piggy bank anyway to treat yourself to one of those crazy things. So, pick out an extra screen to enlarge your excel files on and get those cozy LED lights to calm you down when you get yet another software update reminder. Go ahead, it’s a yes from us!




If you’re more of a Pinterest-TADAAM’er, then maybe it’s time to dust off your boards and finally get real with it. Invest in a desk organizer, fun posters to frame or a cable box to make the ugly cables from your laptop disappear. Your TADAAM MODEM will look cute next to it anyway!