Click here to view the latest version of our terms and conditions.
An info sheet is a legal standard document with the most important characteristics of the specific service to which you are registered (price per month, activation and installation costs, consumption included, etc.). An info sheet does not replace a contract. Below you will find the link to the information sheets for the TADAAM services.
In Dutch
Info sheet TADAAM Standard (NL)
Info sheet TADAAM Premium (NL)
Info sheet TADAAM Platinum (NL)
In French
Info sheet TADAAM Standard (FR)
Info sheet TADAAM Premium (FR)
Info sheet TADAAM Platinum (FR)
You have the right of withdrawal within 14 days without reason.
You can find the form here: Right of Withdrawal (Dutch) or Right of Withdrawal (French)
The texts, drawings, photos, films, images, data, databases, software, names, trade and domain names, brands, logos and other components of this website are protected by intellectual rights and belong to TADAAM or third parties. It is forbidden to store the information offered on and via this website (other than necessary to view the website) without prior written approval from TADAAM, to reproduce, to change, to make public, to distribute or to send, to sell or transfer or grant any rights to it to third parties. In the event that you abuse the intellectual rights, other rights of TADAAM or third parties, you undertake to compensate TADAAM or third parties and indemnify them against any claims or claims as a result of an infringement thereof.
Click here for more information about our privacy policy
The estimated average maximum download and upload speed of the Network is: (i) when using the 4G technology: 130 Mbps download speed – 32 Mbps upload speed. These are estimated average maximum speeds. In practice, the actual speeds may be lower. In addition, sporadic saturation of the Network cannot be excluded. If, for example, a very large number of users use the Mobile Services intensively at the same time (for example because they use the Network to watch streaming video on their smartphone), the Network can become saturated at that location. Internet traffic slows down when the Network is saturated. For example, an online video clip may falter during playback or it may take longer to load a web page or download or upload a document. Via a central monitoring system, various procedures are used to measure and control traffic over the Network in order to avoid or at least limit saturation. When a threatening saturation is established, reasonable measures (including traffic management measures) are taken to ensure the quality and continuity of the Mobile Services as well as possible. Every effort is made to ensure that the quality of the internet access service actually provided corresponds to the quality of the internet access service. The legislation provides a number of means to protect the Customer if the quality of the actually provided internet access service deviates continuously or regularly from the published quality of the internet access service and if this deviation is attributable to the provider of the Service.
TADAAM includes an unlimited volume. With a mobile network, having a good internet experience is not only dependent on good mobile coverage, but the occupation of that network also plays an important role. In order to give all TADAAM customers the best possible internet experience without having to intervene unnecessarily with volume restrictions, we opt for a “Fair use policy” that will only be applied as soon as we notice that the experience of certain TADAAM customers is negatively influenced by the surfing use of other TADAAMers. In concrete terms, this means that as soon as your usage exceeds 300GB in the current period, we may reduce your speed to 5Mbps, which is more than sufficient to watch TV with TADAAM in a qualitative way. However, we will only intervene if we notice that other TADAAM customers are experiencing difficulties when using their service. Your volume remains unlimited.
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You didn’t return your modem and/or your TV box, or returned it too late?
We will charge you a one-off fee of €50 per device.
From November 1, 2024, TADAAM customers have the option to use their own modem for the TADAAM internet service. You can then use your own modem to connect to our network instead of the default TADAAM modem.
Technical specifications
Every modem that is connected to the TADAAM network must meet certain conditions. We think it is important that you can surf in the best conditions. Click here for the minimum requirements for the modems to connect to our network.